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Producers Council's list of requirements from Central Government

The Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council has come up with their requirements and what they expect from the Central Government. The requirements are as follows:

1. After the passing of GST (Goods and Services Tax - a new form of tax payment), the film industry has been heavily affected.

2. Making of films is an art. When those films are being transferred to the theatres for public projection, it becomes a commercial business. So, we request the GST tax to be fixed at 4% or 5%.

3. While screening movies in theatres, all the Tamil films should be given lesser GST amount, compared to other language movies.

4. The Central Government should immediately act or block those who download or upload new films without rights (internet piracy sites and local cable channels) and also the telephone companies which do this as their business. The government should have a separate vigilance team to monitor this.

5. Newly opened theatres should be exempted from the GST taxes and other miscellaneous tax payments for the first five years.

6.  To consider film making craft as one among the government recognized field, and give all the respect and benefits to film industry people, as people in other fields enjoy.

If the Central government doesn't fulfill these requests as mentioned above, we will be going on a strike from the 30th of May.

Producers Council's list of requirements from Central Government

People looking for online information on Producers council, Vishal will find this news story useful.