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Saidai Ravi sacked from Rajinikanth fan club by VM Sudhakar

A few days ago, we had reported about an official note from Rajinikanth to his fan club members authorizing VM Sudhakar, President of All India Rajinikanth Fans Association, to remove office-bearers and members of various fan clubs found bringing disrepute to the fans association.


Further to this, there is another note today (29th May) signed by V M Sudhakar that states that one Mr. Saidai G Ravi is being removed from the basic membership of the fans association. It is also stated that the fans are forbidden to contact him (Saidai Ravi) directly or indirectly or through telephone or through a third person. It is conveyed that stringent action will be taken against those who violate this order. The note also requests fans belonging to the association to avoid giving interviews to dailies or television or take part in discussion forums on these media without taking prior permission from the Chief of Fans Association.

Saidai Ravi sacked from Rajinikanth fan club by VM Sudhakar

People looking for online information on Rajinikanth, Saidai G Ravi, VM Sudhakar will find this news story useful.