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Vellithirai INBA

Inba Movie Review

Behindwoods Movie Review Board
Inba - Sneha
Movie review

Starring: Shaam, Sneha, Arun Pandian, Ganja Karuppu, Aravind Akash

Direction: S T Vendhan

Music: P.B Balaji

Production: K S Vasantha Rani

At a time when Tamil cinema is experiencing an awakening of sorts, there is no dearth of movies that make the movie-making strategies of the eighties look far superior. Inba is one of them. The Sneha – Shyam starrer (we agree that they are a cute couple, however, their chemistry doesn’t seem to be working at the box office) directed by S.T. Vendan is simply old juice in a not-so-new bottle. The sappy and behind the times storyline and an equally irksome script provide neither amusement nor entertainment.
Shyam plays a wrongly-led young man employed by a gangster (Arun Pandian) as his sister’s (Sneha) bodyguard. He used to be a bright kid at school who was misled by a deceptive love that ended in an unintentional murder. Shyam, blamed for the death, is sent to a juvenile home and spends the golden years of his adolescence in confinement. Upon release, as is an unwritten rule in the Tamil cinema bible, he joins the local criminal gang led by Arunpandiyan. As pronounced by the subsequent golden rules of the same bible, the inevitable love blooms between him and the beautiful Sneha.

The love story, predictably, derails when Sneha is wooed by the Police Commissioner’s brother. The Commissioner strikes a lucrative deal with Arunpandiyan and promises to write off the cases against him if his brother gets Sneha’s hand in marriage. Inba thus treads the beaten path and ends up in a rather banal climax.

Inba Movie


There’s little to rejoice about in this painfully tiresome ordeal, except Sneha’s endearing charm in the song sequences. But then, there are myriad ways to watch these songs other than sitting through a two and a half hour tribulation. Sneha’s paid to look good and does just that. However, Shyam is deprived even of this. His bearded look does not alter his personality, and he looks out of place in the role that requires him to be rugged.

The director’s own perplexity with the film’s progress is glaringly evident, as the actors appear trapped in an unpromising venture. And the movie does not score technically either.

Verdict: You wouldn’t regret not watching this!

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