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Amala Paul shares shocking facts about Indian internet users

The Internet in India is becoming a basic need to all. There are few authentic statistical reports which say that the Internet users in India are dominating the major share in the world. Actress Amala Paul took this to Twitter to talk about the issue. She tweeted. 'It's a shock internet addiction in India has gone higher than China! Oh our poor kids and youngsters...😣Its time to hit the panic button! Is it only me horrified seeing internet uniting our nation?This is turning out to be an existential threat!!!'.

The actress even shared a picture of graphical representation which showed that in India 82% of Indians cannot live life without the internet. Not, just that the numbers were surprising, but it was also surprising to see that India topped the list. The United Kingdom and China secured the second and third place in the list.

'Amala Paul's post not spell-checked.'

Tags : Amala Paul

Amala Paul shares shocking facts about Indian internet users

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