Since people are finding it hard to get change for Rs 2000 currencies, Indian Bank has decided to stop filling its ATM machines with Rs 2000 currencies, reports Thanthi Tv.

As we all know, the ultimate purpose of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is to facilitate the account holders of a particular bank easy withdrawal of money according to his or her need.
ATM also saves a lot of time for the people including paper and writing work which would otherwise be needed for withdrawing money from the bank counters.
After the introduction of Rs 2000 currencies, many commoners have been facing issues to get change for the single 2000 currency to suit their own needs.
Understanding the difficulties of the account holders, Indian Bank has decided to stop filling the ATM machines with Rs 2000 currencies from March 1 2020. All the branches of Indian Bank have also been urged to follow the revised regulations.