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Vishal's reason to contest in Producers Council Election

Vishal's team had arranged for a press meet yesterday (5th March), where the team talked about the reason for contesting in the Producers Council election.

Vishal, during his speech, said. "We have come here only to do good. As far as the Nadigar Sangam is concerned, all the good schemes or bonus will reach or benefit only people associated with that union. But, only in the Producers Council, it will help everyone in the industry, irrespective of which union or association they belong to. I'm contesting in this year's elections only to do something good that the previous teams have not done in the past decade. We've fulfilled all our promises that we had kept in our manifesto. The construction work of the Nadigar Sangam building will also start from next month.

During my school days, once I saw my dad begging in front of a lab. He was begging to help him release the film called 'I love India,' which he produced. He said that the only mistake he committed was producing that film. Maybe, only because I saw him in that kind of a state, I decided to contest in the Producers Council election. I told my dad about it, and he, in turn, asked me, 'what are you going to do by contesting in the election?' I was told by my dad to give, at least half a ground of empty land to members of the union, and only if I do that, he said he would admit me inside the house. I have agreed to it, and hence, am contesting in the elections."

Tags : Vishal

Vishal's reason to contest in Producers Council Election

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