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Theatres will function from 30th May in TN, say important associations

Vishal in the capacity of the President of TN Film Producer Council had announced that the film industry would go on strike from 30th May 2017 if their demands have not been met by the state or central government. His note also stated that no theatres would function in the state from the said date. 

However, a jointly signed statement from Tamil Nadu Film Distributors Association and Tamil Nadu Theatre owners Association state that the information about the closure of the theatres from 30th May in the state is false and that as usual theatres would be functional. The statement was jointly signed by all Theatre owners and Distributors Associations including R.Pannerselvam, Abirami Ramanathan and Tiruppur Subramaniam.


It must be noted that the important office bearers of the Producer Council along with Vishal had recently met Tamil Nadu CM and handed over their request.

Theatres will function from 30th May in TN, say important associations

People looking for online information on Abirami Ramanathan, Film distributors association, R. Panneerselvam, Theatre owners association, Tiruppur Subramanaim, Vishal will find this news story useful.