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Maya director Ashwin Saravanan updates on his second film

Director Ashwin Saravanan got noticed with his very first film Maya. Now he will soon start his next project to be produced by Hari Krishnan for Moment Entertainment. 

Ashwin shares about his second film, “I cannot give away a lot of information as it is in the process of materializing. I have finished writing the script and if need be, I may revise it when we roll, depending upon the cast. We are right now in the process of putting together the cast and crew. It will take off when we get the lead actors on board. We are talking to a few people.

I am glad to be associating myself with Hari Krishnan who has been working as a production controller for directors like Karthik Subbaraj, Manikandan and the likes.

One thing I can tell you about this flick is that it is definitely not a horror, nor is it a sequel to Maya. It will be completely different from Maya. It is a kind of a film that absolutely depends on the performance of the actors. In Maya, besides performances, the film was also dependent on technical wizardry. We are looking at good performers here. Once we get the right people on board, most of my job will be completed.    

On the technical side, music and sound will be handled by the same talents who did Maya. Ron Yohan has been confirmed as the music composer. I am going with Radhakrishnan, Sound Mixer. I will reveal all other details once we firm up.”

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Maya director Ashwin Saravanan updates on his second film

People looking for online information on Ashwin Saravanan, Maya will find this news story useful.