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Anikha talks about Viswasam and working with Ajith again

Anikha, the kid who played Ajith's daughter in Yennai Arindhaal plays an important in his upcoming film Viswasam as well. We got in touch with Anikha for an interview and she told us something exclusive insights about Ajith as well as about Viswasam.

She revealed that she will be playing Ajith and Nayanthara's daughter. So it is confirmed that Ajith is married to Nayanthara and they have a kid. Scroll below to read the full interview:


Tell us something about your role in Viswasam?


A. "My role in Viswasam, I don't think I am supposed to say a lot about this but I am obviously playing Ajith sir's daughter. It is a very important role, I am there throughout the movie. I have had a great time playing it."


Do you have combination scenes with Nayanthara?


A. "I have quite a lot of combination scenes with Nayanthara. She is obviously playing my mother. But I actually have a lot of combination scenes with Ajith than Nayanthara."


How excited where you to act with Ajith again after Yennai Arindhaal?


A. "Obviously, during the first time itself when I was called to act with Ajith uncle, I was like wow, unbelievable. I am just so surprised and so excited to be working with him again."


He is such a nice person, he is so sweet and comfortable to work with. Even when I don't understand something that the director uncle says, Ajith would quickly jump and help me out. He will just make it easier."


What will you talk with Ajith during the shooting of Viswasam?


A. "We talk a lot, we have a lot of time between takes. During that time, Ajith uncle talks a lot about the food and about his diet. He talks a lot about that, what he eats to stay in shape. He said a lot of stuff about his family. He talks a lot actually."


Does Ajith talk about his son and daughter to you?


A. "Ajith uncle discuss a lot about his daughter and son. I am sure when he is on a shoot or something, they miss him a lot and he misses them a lot too. You hear how he talks to his daughter and son, you will know how sweet is he?


In this movie Ajith has like 2 get-ups, so he has a big white beard and all and then his son comes out and pull out his beard and all, it is kinda cute stuff."


About your experience working with director Siva?


A. "I normally mess up a lot of dialogues when it is in Tamil and I can't speak Tamil very fluently. But he was so patient, I don't even know how patient he can be because I mess up so much. He will be like, 'it is fine Anikha, we can take as much as time you like.' He is such a nice person to work with. And when he goes to some place, he used to buy me stuff, he is so amazing. He even got me an earphone."