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By Vinershea | May 30, 2020 05:15 PM

An engineer turned education reformer, Sonam Wangchuk, who also became a local name after the movie '3 Idiots' which was inspired on him has come up with two unique ways to defeat China.

man inspired 3 idiots says getting rid of my made in china phone

His response comes at a time when China's increasing aggression is taking place at the border in Ladakh past few weeks. Wangchuk has adviced and urged Indians firstly to boycott Chinese companies and products and secondly through Army. He has urged people of India to boycott "Made in China" products.

"Give up all Chinese software in a week, all Chinese hardware in a year. On one hand, our soldiers are fighting them and on the other hand, we buy Chinese hardware and use software like the TikTok app, we give them business worth crores so they can arm their soldiers to fight against us," said Wangchuk in the viral video. 

He also claimed that he would be giving up his Chinese-made phone within a week, and went on to explain why.

Ever since this video was shared, it has grabbed headlines and has become the talk of the town. 

"What is your responsibility as a citizen, in this India-China border tension. I am getting rid of my phone, which is made in China, within one week and in one year, anything that is made in china, I will throw out of my life," Wangchuk said while talking about fighter jets flying overhead. He further urged each citizen to spread the message to 100 others.

"Tension is rising... thousands of soldiers are being deployed. Normally, when there is border tension, we sleep at night thinking soldiers will respond to it. But today I want to say, there should be a citizen response too. Citizens like you in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru...China's biggest fear today is its own people, its 140 crore population, who are treated like bonded labourers, without any human rights, and who make the government rich with their labour. After coronavirus, factories have been shut, exports are hit, there is rising unemployment. People are angry," he said.

Finally giving his take on the issue, Wangchuk said he believed China's moves, not just at the border, but also in the South China Sea. He is the man who inspired Phunsukh Wangdu's character in the Bollywood's blockbuster movie '3 Idiots', which was played by acror Aamir Khan.

Watch the informative video below: 



அரசியல், விளையாட்டு, நாட்டுநடப்பு, குற்ற சம்பவங்கள், வர்த்தகம், தொழில்நுட்பம், சினிமா, வாழ்க்கை முறை என பலதரப்பட்ட சுவாரஸ்யமான செய்திகளை தமிழில் படிக்க இங்கு கிளிக் செய்யவும்      



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